Short about NADA

NADA is an auricular acupuncture method in which 3-5 needles are placed in the same zones in each ear. A treatment lasts for 45 minutes. The method activates the body’s self healing systems and have shown to have a great positive effect on a number of problem areas like stress, insomnia, motoric unrest, aggression, tiredness, anger, cramps, tics, shakes, nausea, withdrawal symptoms, cravings, psychological unrest, racing thoughts, anxiety, panic attacks, nightmares, depression, and lack of concentration.

The method can offer relief here and now, and often does, but is meant for long term treatment. NADA is a complimentary method and can be used together with all other treatments. NADA increases the effect of therapy and other treatments.

A NADA treatment is a free space and an opportunity for a quiet conversation with yourself. NADA is a nonverbal method where you sit alone or together with others in stillness for the 45 minutes a treatment takes.

Contact and prices

NADA is for all regardless of financial status which is why a treatment costs between 0 and 100 kr. depending on what you can afford.

The treatment takes place at Martin’s on Elmebakken 1 in Spørring (8380 Trige), but I can also come to your place. Is your address more than 10 kilometers away from my residence please expect a mileage fee of 3,56 kr. per kilometer.

You can contact me by filling out the contact form below. You can also call me on +45 2993 6069 or write an email to

A little more about NADA

NADA is effective because the needles stimulates the brain to choose the mechanisms (hormones, transmitter substances etc) that are relevant to activate in a given situation. The needles and NADA does not add any drugs to the body, but balances the body’s self healing system and biochemical mechanisms.

NADA puts you in focus and

• helps you to accept and feel yourself
• helps you to find forgotten resources 
• is a help to help yourself
• anybody can receive a NADA treatment, anytime and anywhere

Are you suffering from

• stress
• exam anxiety
• trouble with sleeping
• eating disorders
• depression
• anxiety
• physical or psychological unrest

or do you just need to increase your concentration and learning ability or increase your mental focus, or do you need help to get out of an addiction (smoking, gambling, alcohol and other drugs) then you deserve to try a series of NADA treatments. NADA will ease and in some cases completely eliminate symptoms of the mentioned problem areas and drastically increase the effect of your primary treatment.

You can read much more about NADA on the website of NADA Denmark:


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